Monday, August 10, 2009

Music: So Cool - Jaymir ft. Shawn Ice

So Cool.mp3 - Jay-Mir ft. Shawn Ice

Download It!!!

New Day, New Thoughts

I'm really excited about a lot of my upcoming projects. I'm working on my artist, Shawn Ice's upcoming mixtape, Creating song for my new group called "When Nobody See" (unofficial name lol) which consist of The Lovelely Peia Loveflower and myself. Working Ginstar's Ep. I got a lot of work ahead. I am happy about it though. I have been changing up the sound of the music, I've been incorporating a lot of rock and techno into the music. It will great to hear once I master the sound. I am also thinking of starting a band and doing an EP instead of a mixtape. I dont know yet though. Just an idea for now. We shall see what other ideas i come up with!


Thursday, July 16, 2009

So What This Is...

So yesterday I came up with the bright idea to come up with another blog. I guess I am infamouse for making a whole bunch of blogs but this is blog is totally different then the other one. I guess the point of this blog is to be a journal for me. But a journal for everybody to see I guess. But I don't think i will promote this blog. I want to do this just to have a platform to express my opinons and to show my progress in myself musically,spiritually, emotionally, etc. And maybe when people come and see this, they will be happy that there is some things that they can relate too.So it this aint gonna be like this is just Justin's Journal....simply that a...journal.